Google Ruled a Monopoly & What It Means For SEO

chance square on the monopoly board

Google’s dominance in the search engine market has long been a topic of discussion, but recent legal rulings have now officially labeled Google as a monopoly. For small businesses and SEO professionals, this ruling raises important questions about the future of search engine optimization and how strategies may need to evolve. Why Is Google A […]

15 Of The Biggest SEO Myths Debunked

chalkboard reading facts and myths

The SEO industry is full of outdated information, myths, and half-truths that have gone on for years. Even in 2024, these myths can cost you valuable time, effort, and money if you’re not careful. The ever-evolving nature of search engine algorithms and user behavior means that staying informed is more crucial than ever. So, stick […]

Where Are My Google Reviews? Why Reviews Aren’t Showing Up

woman with hands up frustrated looking at laptop because reviews aren't showing up

Does this sound familiar? You deliver a service, you chat with a very happy customer, and they tell you they are submitting a glowing review for you on Google. You patiently wait because you know the benefit of getting a review and you’re excited to see what this client has to say about their great […]

How Long Does it Take for SEO To Work?

person looking at a marketing report on the computer

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a critical component of digital marketing that can drastically improve the visibility of a website in search engines. However, one of the most common questions that clients ask about SEO stategy is, “How long does it take for SEO to work?” or “When will I see ROI?” This is an […]

Content Marketing and SEO: Creating High-Quality, User-Friendly Content

person writing content and seo intersecting on a white page

Educating your market and setting yourself as an authority in your industry means putting out regular content. Not just any content, but that which is engaging, informative, and accessible. This is where content marketing and SEO intersect, crafting a digital presence that not only ranks well in search engines but also resonates with users. In […]

Google’s Core Update: March 2024 Algorithm Update and Your Site

person searching on google while drinking coffee

“Today we announced the March 2024 core update & new spam policies that, in combination, are designed to show less content made to attract clicks and more content that people find useful.” – Google Search Central Recently, Google announced one of their biggest algorithm updates in years. The platform goes through many updates, but any […]

SEO KPI Reporting: Monthly Performance Measurements You Should Be Tracking

Business reporting

Diving into the world of KPI reporting can sometimes feel like wandering through a maze with a map written in a language you don’t quite understand. But fear not! Let’s explore monthly performance measurements in SEO, unlocking the secrets to success one metric at a time. Get ready to geek out over data and learn […]

Content Marketing vs SEO: Which Is More Important?

group of people working on content marketing

Among the myriad strategies available, two stalwarts stand out: Content Marketing and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Each plays a crucial role in shaping a brand’s visibility, but the question persists— which is more important? In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll dissect the differences, discuss their collaboration, weigh the scenarios where one outshines the other, debunk the […]

15 Benefits Of Link Building For E-commerce

woman working on her computer

In the dynamic realm of e-commerce, where digital visibility can make or break a business, the significance of link building cannot be overstated. As online landscapes evolve and competition intensifies, establishing a robust online presence is crucial for the success of any e-commerce venture. Link building, the process of acquiring hyperlinks from external websites to […]